Credit Application Form

Client Setup & Credit Application

In order to set up an account for your company please complete the details below.

Names & Address

Contact Details

Accounts Payable Contact

Your contact at Dux Agency

Dux Agency will provide 30 day credit terms to your company, subject to the following conditions:

1. Dux Agency must be able to take out sufficient credit insurance on your company.

2. If credit insurance is declined, or the credit limit reduced for any reason, Dux Agency will not perform any services until you provide upfront payment for any shortfall amount. If such alternative arrangements are not put into place within 10 business days Dux Agency may suspend its services or terminate this or any other Agreement by written notice.

3. Dux Agency will raise invoices as agreed, based on approved marketing quotations, media schedules or estimates.

4. Any queries on invoices must be made within 14 days of the invoice date.

5. All invoices are payable within 30 days of invoice date.

6. Any invoices outstanding for more than 45 days will result in the withdrawal of credit facilities.

7. Any invoices outstanding for more than 60 days will be reported to our credit insurers and lawyers and may incur interest charges, legal and collection costs.

8. All payments should be made to Dux Agency at the address below, or by EFT to: BSB: 012-003 Account number: 661285306
Please email remittance advices to

Confirmation (Required)


For more information on Dux, or to discuss your upcoming marketing, reach us here.

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